Uptechlab is a Salesforce and Tableau Consulting company which provides Salesforce Business Analysis, Salesforce Project Management, Salesforce Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Experience Cloud, Tableau CRM Analytics, Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server and Tableau Prep Builder consultancy services in the UK. Uptechlab also delivers tailor-made training services as well as on-the-job coaching services in relation to requirements engineering best practices. We have been providing reliable Salesforce and Tableau solutions to our clients since 2019. We have an office in London, UK and we are going to offer business analysis and project management consulting to organizations in Istanbul, Turkey soon.
Uptechlab strives to provide value-added consultancy for any size of the organization, specifically for Information Technology, Digital Technology, Product Management Department, Project Management Office, Project and Change Management Department backed by 7 years’ experience and technical skills accumulation. Uptechlab will help to solve the requirement for high-quality software designs and efficient software lifecycle management processes.
Uptechlab’s professional code of ethics and conduct aims to give our members of staff guidelines on our business ethics and stance on various controversial matters. We will use this policy to outline the consequences of violating our business code of ethics. The UpTechLab Code of Conduct is how we put our values into practice while respecting the Law and doing business ethically and transparently. We all have a personal responsibility to incorporate and encourage other Uptechlab colleagues to incorporate the principles of the Code and values into our work.
We expect all our consultants and executives to know and follow the Code. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action, including termination of consultancy. Furthermore, while the Code is written explicitly for Uptechlab Consultancy consultants and executives, we expect our contractors, consultants, and others who may be temporarily assigned to perform work or services for Uptechlab Consultancy to follow the Code in connection with their work for us.
Every new staff member is expected to complete the “Uptechlab’s Trailmix for Newcomers” training course, available as a “trailmix” at this URL:
Please note that completing the “Ethics and Integrity for Salesforce Partners” module from the course is compulsory before commencing work.
Uptechlab and its staff are fully committed to honesty, integrity and fair play in delivering services and goods to the public. All staff should ensure that the business operations, applications for services, procurement or staff recruitment, are dealt with in an open, fair and impartial manner. This Code sets out the basic standard of conduct expected of all staff and Uptechlab’s policy on matters like acceptance of advantages and conflict of interest of the team in connection with their official duties. This Code also applies to temporary and part-time staff employed by UpTechLab.
Uptechlab is an equal employment opportunity employer. Employment opportunities are available regardless of race, sex, religion, ethnicity, age, disability or another legally protected status. This Principle applies to all aspects of the employment relationship, including recruiting, hiring, training, work assignment, promotion, transfer, termination, and wage and salary administration.
Uptechlab’s policy will prohibit anti-competitive practices that could affect a bounding, restraining or distorting competition, as well as any practices of unfair competition. Accordingly, our members of staff cannot agree (formally or informally) with competitors to fix prices or any other conditions of transaction; to limit or control the production, commercialisation, technical development or investment; to manipulate or divide markets or sources of provisioning; to participate with fake offers in tenders or any other forms of competitions for offers; to limit or restrain access to market and freedom of competition for other enterprises; to apply unequal conditions for equivalent performance to commercial partners, creating in this way a disadvantage in competition; to condition signing of acceptancy contracts by partners to supplementary obligations which, by their nature or according to commercial usage, have no connection with the subject of such contracts.
Uptechlab has zero tolerance for corruption. All staff members must never offer anything of value directly or indirectly to government officials and business partners to secure an undue advantage. Uptechlab prohibits payment, offers of payment, and anything of value directly or indirectly to influence or obtain an undue business or personal advantage. Third parties will only be contracted to perform tasks that aid business interests provided: fees to be paid are reasonable; all arrangements are documented; arrangements comply with UpTechLab’s policies.
Uptechlab does not condone activities that seek to gain an unfair competitive advantage. No individual may engage in any activity which violates any valid restrictive agreements entered into by that individual for the benefit of a third party, and no individual may, directly or indirectly, use or disclose any confidential information or trade secrets of a third party that the individual obtained while employed by or associated with such third party.
It is the policy of Uptechlab to prohibit all staff from soliciting or accepting any advantage from any persons having business dealings with Uptechlab (e.g. clients, suppliers, contractors). Members of staff who wish to accept any advantage from such persons should seek advice and permission from Uptechlab’s Managing Partner.
Any gifts offered voluntarily to the staff in their official capacity are regarded as gifts to Uptechlab, and they should not be accepted without permission. By default, the consultant should decline the offer if the acceptance could be perceived as against the interest of UpTechLab or that of society or lead to complaints of bias or impropriety. For gifts presented to consultants in their official capacity and of low nominal value (30 GBP), the refusal, which could be seen as unsociable or impolite, can be exceptionally accepted. In other circumstances, the staff should seek clear (i.e. in writing) and immediate (within five days from the offer) consent from Uptechlab’s Managing Partner to accept the gifts.
A conflict of interest situation arises when the “private interests” of the staff compete or conflict with the interests of Uptechlab. “Private interests” means both the financial and personal interests of the staff or those of their connections, including family members and other close affiliates; personal friends; the clubs and societies to which they belong; and any person to whom they owe a favour or are obligated in any way.
Staff should avoid using their official position or any information made available to them in their duties to benefit themselves, their affiliates or any other persons with whom they have personal or social ties. They should avoid putting themselves in a position that may lead to an actual or perceived conflict of interest with Uptechlab. Failure to avoid or declare any conflict of interest may give rise to criticism of favouritism, abuse of authority or even allegations of corruption.
Staff cannot disclose classified or complete information to anybody without authorisation. Staff who have access to or control such information should always provide adequate safeguards to prevent abuse or misuse. Examples of misuse include disclosure of information in return for monetary rewards or use of information for personal interest. It should also be noted that unauthorised disclosure of personal data may result in a breach of the applicable legislation on privacy.
Staff given access to any property of Uptechlab should ensure that it is properly used to conduct UpTechLab’s business. Misappropriation of the property for personal use or resale is strictly prohibited.
Members of staff who wish to take up paid outside work, including those on a part-time basis, must seek written (date and signed) permission and guidance from Uptechlab before accepting the job. Approval will not be given if the outside work is considered to conflict with the interests and values of Uptechlab.
Uptechlab has a simple rule: Don’t bribe anybody, anytime, for any reason. We do not offer, promise, give or accept money or anything of value to or from third parties to get an improper business advantage. Any of these actions constitutes a bribe.
To deliver the best products and experiences, our consumers, employees and athletes must trust us with their data. It is everyone’s responsibility to maintain that trust by managing personal data in appropriate and respectful ways. We are transparent and honour individual choices. We only use data in the ways we communicate when collecting it. If we want to use it for a new purpose, we get new permission. We collect and use only the data we need to perform our jobs and keep it only as long as we need to. And we never use data for personal benefit.
Personal data includes data or information relating to any identified or identifiable legal or natural person that is protected by applicable law and covers without limitation the personal data of the Forum, Forum Members, Forum Staff, Forum directors, Forum contractors and suppliers, and any participants in Forum events and activities. You must comply with applicable legal requirements and Forum IT policies relating to the processing, collection, storage, use, revision, disclosure, archiving or destruction of personal data. The necessary measures must be taken to maintain all personal data securely and confidentially.